I am struggling to figure out how to work around what seems to be a silicon bug in the PIC32MZ2048EFM on A1 silicon. I am using the development kit DM320104.
From MPLABX I can see that the board I have is running A1 revision silicon. Looking at the Errata for the device I found that there is a silicon Errata on the I2C peripheral and I am hitting at least 2 of the described problems.
• False Error Condition 1: False Master Bus Collision Detect (Master-mode only) – The error is indicated through the BCL bit (I2CxSTAT).
• False Error Condition 3: Suspended I2C Module Operations (Master or Slave modes) – I2C transactions in progress are inadvertently suspended without error indications.
In both cases the Harmony I2C driver ends up in a loop never returning again. For condition 1 the ISR keeps triggering and I2C stops working and for condition 3 the driver just gets stuck.
I have tried to implement the workarounds listed in that Errata but I seem to have no luck. The Errata does not have an example, only a text description so I was hoping someone on here has tried this and can help me figure out what I am doing wrong.
Currently for condition 1 from the bus collision ISR we are clearing the ISR flag and the BCL bit and then setting the start bit in the I2C1STAT register, but the interrupt keeps on firing away and no start condition is happening.
I am struggling to figure out how to work around what seems to be a silicon bug in the PIC32MZ2048EFM on A1 silicon. I am using the development kit DM320104.
From MPLABX I can see that the board I have is running A1 revision silicon. Looking at the Errata for the device I found that there is a silicon Errata on the I2C peripheral and I am hitting at least 2 of the described problems.
• False Error Condition 1: False Master Bus Collision Detect (Master-mode only) – The error is indicated through the BCL bit (I2CxSTAT).
• False Error Condition 3: Suspended I2C Module Operations (Master or Slave modes) – I2C transactions in progress are inadvertently suspended without error indications.
In both cases the Harmony I2C driver ends up in a loop never returning again. For condition 1 the ISR keeps triggering and I2C stops working and for condition 3 the driver just gets stuck.
I have tried to implement the workarounds listed in that Errata but I seem to have no luck. The Errata does not have an example, only a text description so I was hoping someone on here has tried this and can help me figure out what I am doing wrong.
Currently for condition 1 from the bus collision ISR we are clearing the ISR flag and the BCL bit and then setting the start bit in the I2C1STAT register, but the interrupt keeps on firing away and no start condition is happening.
Any idea what we are doing wrong?
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