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Detection of I2C Address NAK


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This is a follow through of the discussion at https://www.microforum.cc/topic/90-help-with-mcc-generated-i2csimple-getting-stuck-in-a-loop/

I have a need to poll the I2C bus to detect presence or absence/failure of a device in a system controlled by a PIC18LF46K22. The code base is generated by MPLAB's MCC. The post above addressed that type of situation.

I tried to work through that discussion in comparing it to the current code generated by MCC and have noted too many differences. That discussion was 2 years ago and I'm sure there have been many changes to MCC since that time.

So, the question boils down to: In the current scheme as generated by MCC is there a way for the application to determine that an I2C Address has been NAK'ed?

Thanks for any pointers...

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I just downloaded the latest MPLAB (V5.50) and MCC (V5.03, Classic), setup a project with the 18LF46K22 and added the MSSP peripheral.

This driver has callbacks for all the major states.  When a device is not present there will be a NAK in the address phase.  The callback you will need is configured with 

void I2C1_SetAddressNackCallback(i2c1_callback_t cb, void *ptr);
So you can create a callback for the NAK as follows:

typedef struct
  i2c1_address_t address;
  bool present;
} address_present_t;

i2c1_operations_t callbackAddrNak(void *funPtr)
	address_present_t *Present = funPtr;
  	Present.present = false;
  	return I2C1_STOP;

// this code comes from the i2c1_master_example provided by MCC
uint8_t I2C1_Read1ByteRegister(i2c1_address_t address, uint8_t reg)
    uint8_t returnValue = 0x00;
  	address_present_t present;
	present.address = address;
    while(!I2C1_Open(address)); // sit here until we get the bus..
  	I2C1_SetAddressNackCallback(callbackAddrNak,&present; // setup the address NACK callback with the address data 
    while(I2C1_BUSY == I2C1_Close()); // sit here until finished.
    if(present.present == FALSE)
      // do something appropriate.
      // some memories fail to respond (generate a NAK) when they are busy.
      // a missing device will also result in a NAK.
    return returnValue;

Note:  A NAK can be the "normal" operation of some devices such as a memory.  Often an EEPROM will refuse to ACK their address when they are busy writing.  You use a process called NAK polling.  If you do the device scan during a time when you can expect all devices to be active and ready, then you should be able to generate a map of the available addresses.


Good Luck

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