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We found that we have quite a lot to say about programming embedded systems and this lounge is not quite flexible enough for us to do this, so we decided to start a community blog area.

We have posted the first blog post as a test here  https://www.microforum.cc/blogs/entry/1-floating-point-numbers/ and the landing page for the blog collection is here https://www.microforum.cc/blogs/blog/1-what-every-embedded-programmer-should-know-about/. We are calling this one "What every embedded programmer should know about ..." and it will feature a series of posts along this topic.

If there is any topic close to your heart that you would like us to cover please leave a comment and we will see if we can make it happen. As a start we will allow moderators to create and post blogs, if you want to make a contribution please contact one of the moderators and we should be able to hook you up.

We have been toying with the idea to allow members to blog once they reach a certain level in the community, but since we are just starting out that will not be practical right now, let us know what you think, we may "upgrade" the system like that sometimg in the future!

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Another couple of blogs went up today, please check the 2 areas for the latest editions! If you are enjoying these and finding yourself coming back to look for more please do follow the blog, that way you are subscribed for updates whenever a new edition is posted. You should find a "follow" link you can click at the tip right of the Blog page.

You can find the embedded programming blog here 



And the programming lore blog here


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